Time Series Forecasting While Considering Holidays with FBProphetFBProphet is a proven time series forecasting library where we can easily add holidays and user defined dates to be considered in modellingDec 26, 2021Dec 26, 2021
Published inData Science IndonesiaData Preparation in Python for BeginnerA complete guide to data pre-processing using Python by utilizing most common libraries for various machine learning projects.Aug 20, 2021Aug 20, 2021
5 Probability Fallacies You Should AvoidProbability doesn’t make mistakes, people using probability make mistakes. Here are 5 curated fallacies with real world example.Jul 11, 2021Jul 11, 2021
Extreme (and easier) Way to Explain The Monty Hall ProblemThe theory to increase the probability of winning by changing the door on Monty Hall problem is unintuitive. Here is the easier…Jul 9, 2021Jul 9, 2021
Do We Have to Test Everyone for Covid-19?Performing covid-19 test on all people might not be the best approach to monitor the pandemic, from statistics point of view.Jul 7, 2021Jul 7, 2021
The Law of Large Numbers: More Trials Means More CertaintyHow doing more trials gives us more certainty to certain probability. Based on “Naked Statistics” book about Probability Density Functions.Jul 3, 2021Jul 3, 2021
Published inLife at Telkomsel3 Books You Should Read to Start Learning Data ScienceHere are my book recommendations for data science 101 that covers programming, statistics, and implementation of data science for business.Jan 8, 2021Jan 8, 2021